Monday, March 29, 2010

shoot 'em all!

we went for paintball just now. freaking awesome weh! no SDL today. so our O&G and super-relax-commed group kinda bergabung tenaga playing paintball at bukit katil. oh yea. plus nana.

awesome so-called soldiers -
team A: *kami panggil kami gagah* HAHA
: nana, amad, radhi, anisah, juen and me!

team B: *walaupun 2nd half dorg menang tapi tak kire. tanak jugak ngaku dorg gagah* HAHA
: shidan, wendy, asha, sam, zaki & yun yaw

*and plus another 2 strangers. budak kecik. but agak hebat jugak* =.= 10-15 years old. idk!

tempat ni basically ada 2 areas. 1 macam kawasan lapang (i dunno what they call that area). for beginner like us, better try this area first.

another 1 is hutan area. quite an area jugakla. semak samun and mosquitoes bugging us, made it harder for us to see our opponent team. because its already around 5.30 ++, didnt spend much time there. we played until some of us 'dead' or the pallets finished. macam movie behind enemy line siut!

still cant forget when juen started to roll over and crawled, we all pun terus bersemangat to 'kill' them all! unfortunately some of us are 'dead' earlier than the other team. lol.

i cant rmmbr the name of this place. but if any of u want to go im sure i remembered the way to go there. *ceruk2 juga ler*

nana & me ;)

anisah, me, nana, wendy, amad

first part of the game. we all kinda scared. AT FIRST! :P

hutan part - not much picture. because we all scattered around.

super awe-freakin-some people!

last but not least - team gagah :P

team tak bape nak gagah HAHAHA
*im so dead :P*

next time should go again and take more pictures ;)


  1. hahahaha...semangat gile ko skarg update blog...

  2. oo...suke..suke..bile mau perang sama aku?haha..

  3. fara: hahaha. tibe2 smgt pulak. all of sudden idup kat melaka mcm dah takleh nak tolerate lg. mehla balik. merasa idup seksa kat sini :P

    zapp: boleh je zapp. bila2 ko free. hahaha

  4. kau balik mesia kau contact aku ok! kte paintballing same2!
