Saturday, October 17, 2009

bersangka baik dgn Allah (reminder for myself)

pernah tak korang rasa idup korang cam sgt super duper gila babi punya malang? bad things keep on happening, and korang rasa sgt down. tak happy. depressing?

and sampai kadang-kadang terfikir, "Allah lupakan aku ke?"

or rasa macam.. "aku salah ambil course ke? sempat ke nak patah balik?"

and time ni u really need sumone to talk to, but no one actually there. and then you give up. and give up. and don't think you can do it anymore. just give up. plain give up.

but then something happened.

something that remind us that Allah never forget about us.

and we should be thankful for the blessings.

kalau jadi sesuatu yg buruk pada kita, tak maksud nya Allah lupa kan kita. Allah cuma nak uji kita. even kita rasa kita tak mampu, tapi at last kita mesti berjaya to manage them all kan?


sebab, Allah cuma bagi ujian pada hambaNya yg Dia yakin boleh hadapi cabaran tersebut.

what doesnt kill u make u stronger. remember?

apa yg berlaku, mesti ada hikmahnya.

aku yakin Allah sentiasa ada untuk bantu aku along the journey. sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yg terbaik untuk aku.

aku tau aku tak boleh patah balik.

(bila rasa give up, lets recap why we took medicine in first place)

so be strong.

and pray semoga Allah permudahkan urusan di dunia dan di akhirat. amin..


hati mau kuat

1 comment:

  1. betul boo. hati mau kuat.. kdg2, in the middle of our journey, we have to take a short break, to recap everything, at least to refresh & remind ourselves about our mission in the 1st place :) b strong! (to you & me) huhuhu
