Friday, December 25, 2009

kenapa perlu ada blog?

first of all merry christmas and welcome 2010!! (ok. dah tua ok. budak2 ketawa kan aku coz unfortunately aku dah nak turn 25 lol. sesungguhnya gua rasa macam baru abis spm lol)

sorry for the long silence. tatau nak tulis ape sebenarnya. and the worst part is bila dah sekian lame blogging, i started to wonder why i blogged in the first place. sumone told me, watever people wrote in the blog bukan benda-benda serious. most of it for fun saje. so kalau tulis kat blog takleh emo2. lol. hahaha. blog is like virtual diary la ngeng. (oh at least for me). cuma aku kurang tulis apa-apa yang berkaitan dgn diri (eg: hari ni gua pegi shopping, jumpa mamat cute gilaa or hari ni gua emo sebab exam paper gua mcm haram. ok contoh aje. takde kaitan dgn hidup dan yg mati.) dlu mmg rajin aku tulis benda-benda mcm ni. tapi like anyone cares kan? so aku kurang tulis simpan sorg sudeh. kadang2 aku himpun all together je. setel.

sekarang mmg takde idea nak tulis apa. busy dengan hidup kononnye. plus tade benda menarik nak berlaku. or maybe mmg idup aku sangap aje tade buat apa-apa yang menarik. (sampai tahap nak hantuk kepala kat dinding bagi berdarah idung *ok. tade kaitan. abaikan*)

aku rasa in year 2009 itself da 2-3 blog aku ada. haha. kawan-kawan pon naik berbulu. bila aku asik btau dorg aku tukar url blog. once again. nape aku blogging in the very first place?

aku start buat blog.. erm bila ye? *thinking.. thinking...zzzzzzzzzz*

ok. tak ingat.

tapi masa aku kat india. 2 years back kot.
masa tu asal ada gosip2 lol mesti nak post kat blog. lol. termasuk la part kutuk mario and all. kesian dia *ampunnn*

sampai la tahap parents aku pon baca ape aku tulis +___+ hahaha. parents always be the best stalker lol.

but i guess aku masih senang berblogging. and stalking blog orang. ye aku sangat kagum dgn cerita-cerita dorang. kudos for those bloggers.

so i guess 2009 shud be ended with a great story which i shud come up with. which sampai skrg gua masih blur ape yg nak dicerita kan as a last posting of the year. lol. so mungkin nanti. aku combine all the stories together. with pictures of course.

and again.

thanks for being a constant reader. (if u ever existed)
much appeciated.


congrats to both kakakdegil and bigboss kerana mereka bakal dapat baby soon! ;)


  1. yeah! tahniah to biggboss & mrs boss!!

  2. yeah tahniah bigboss & mrs boss. plus aku pn berbulu gak dgn keadaan ko yg berpindah randah ni. haiyooo~

  3. shet. aku pon ade komen. tapi ilang! hahahaha
