first of all merry christmas and welcome 2010!! (ok. dah tua ok. budak2 ketawa kan aku coz unfortunately aku dah nak turn 25 lol. sesungguhnya gua rasa macam baru abis spm lol)
sorry for the long silence. tatau nak tulis ape sebenarnya. and the worst part is bila dah sekian lame blogging, i started to wonder why i blogged in the first place. sumone told me, watever people wrote in the blog bukan benda-benda serious. most of it for fun saje. so kalau tulis kat blog takleh emo2. lol. hahaha. blog is like virtual diary la ngeng. (oh at least for me). cuma aku kurang tulis apa-apa yang berkaitan dgn diri (eg: hari ni gua pegi shopping, jumpa mamat cute gilaa or hari ni gua emo sebab exam paper gua mcm haram. ok contoh aje. takde kaitan dgn hidup dan yg mati.) dlu mmg rajin aku tulis benda-benda mcm ni. tapi like anyone cares kan? so aku kurang tulis simpan sorg sudeh. kadang2 aku himpun all together je. setel.
sekarang mmg takde idea nak tulis apa. busy dengan hidup kononnye. plus tade benda menarik nak berlaku. or maybe mmg idup aku sangap aje tade buat apa-apa yang menarik. (sampai tahap nak hantuk kepala kat dinding bagi berdarah idung *ok. tade kaitan. abaikan*)
aku rasa in year 2009 itself da 2-3 blog aku ada. haha. kawan-kawan pon naik berbulu. bila aku asik btau dorg aku tukar url blog. once again. nape aku blogging in the very first place?
aku start buat blog.. erm bila ye? *thinking.. thinking...zzzzzzzzzz*
ok. tak ingat.
tapi masa aku kat india. 2 years back kot.
masa tu asal ada gosip2 lol mesti nak post kat blog. lol. termasuk la part kutuk mario and all. kesian dia *ampunnn*
sampai la tahap parents aku pon baca ape aku tulis +___+ hahaha. parents always be the best stalker lol.
but i guess aku masih senang berblogging. and stalking blog orang. ye aku sangat kagum dgn cerita-cerita dorang. kudos for those bloggers.
so i guess 2009 shud be ended with a great story which i shud come up with. which sampai skrg gua masih blur ape yg nak dicerita kan as a last posting of the year. lol. so mungkin nanti. aku combine all the stories together. with pictures of course.
and again.
thanks for being a constant reader. (if u ever existed)
much appeciated.
congrats to both kakakdegil and bigboss kerana mereka bakal dapat baby soon! ;)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
tentang sebuah kisah.
Mereka takkan pernah
Tahu tentang kita
Tak pernah sedikitpun
Pahami kisah kita..
Sudahlah jangan lagi
Mencoba tuk bersedih
Ada aku disini
Mengerti perasaanmu..
Hari ini ku harus katakan
Aku mencintaimu
Bukan karena siapapun
Atau bukan karena mereka..
Cinta itu butuh pengorbanan hati
Dan cinta tak butuh waktu yang sesaat
Jika kita bertahan
Cinta itu milik kita..
Jika cinta dasar dari semua ini
Hadapilah segalanya
Dengan lapang dada
Meski pahit disana..
Tahu tentang kita
Tak pernah sedikitpun
Pahami kisah kita..
Sudahlah jangan lagi
Mencoba tuk bersedih
Ada aku disini
Mengerti perasaanmu..
Hari ini ku harus katakan
Aku mencintaimu
Bukan karena siapapun
Atau bukan karena mereka..
Cinta itu butuh pengorbanan hati
Dan cinta tak butuh waktu yang sesaat
Jika kita bertahan
Cinta itu milik kita..
Jika cinta dasar dari semua ini
Hadapilah segalanya
Dengan lapang dada
Meski pahit disana..
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
gua rindu.
ok. da letih jadi stalker blog orang. mmg da jadi habit kot. jarang aku tinggalkan komen. tu pasal takde org komen blog aku lol. mgkin org pikir aku jarang jenguk blog dorg haha.
tiba-tiba aku termelankoli sendiri.
teringat ikan aku.
ikan-ikan yang dah arwah.
ada yang tak boleh tolerate air paip yang aku letak. banyak sangat chlorine agaknye. sempat jugak aku buat CPR. cuma takda la part mouth-to-mouth tu. tapi tak berhasil. hampa. ilang satu ikan emas yang macam bijik pingpong tu.
kolam aku di tambah dengan dua ekor ikan emas yang agak besar.
satu hari aku pegi balik kampung. ntah macam mana filter (yang berserta aeration) bleh terpadam lak.
balik2.. tiga-tiga ekor terapung.
*sila bayangkan situasi tersebut. seolah-olah ikan yg tak dapat bekalan makanan berhari-hari macam dalam fishville*
aku basuh aquarium dengan perasaan hampa.
sampai sekarang aku masih takde pengganti ikan-ikan aku.
ni bukan ikan-ikan aku. tapi macam ni la keadaan mereka waktu dah tak bernyawa. lebih tragis sebab aku terpakse flush masuk jamban. sebaba tatau nak tanam kat ne. huwaa. maafkan guaa!
tiba-tiba aku termelankoli sendiri.
teringat ikan aku.
ikan-ikan yang dah arwah.
ada yang tak boleh tolerate air paip yang aku letak. banyak sangat chlorine agaknye. sempat jugak aku buat CPR. cuma takda la part mouth-to-mouth tu. tapi tak berhasil. hampa. ilang satu ikan emas yang macam bijik pingpong tu.
kolam aku di tambah dengan dua ekor ikan emas yang agak besar.
satu hari aku pegi balik kampung. ntah macam mana filter (yang berserta aeration) bleh terpadam lak.
balik2.. tiga-tiga ekor terapung.
*sila bayangkan situasi tersebut. seolah-olah ikan yg tak dapat bekalan makanan berhari-hari macam dalam fishville*
aku basuh aquarium dengan perasaan hampa.
sampai sekarang aku masih takde pengganti ikan-ikan aku.
ni bukan ikan-ikan aku. tapi macam ni la keadaan mereka waktu dah tak bernyawa. lebih tragis sebab aku terpakse flush masuk jamban. sebaba tatau nak tanam kat ne. huwaa. maafkan guaa!
my long wait.
setelah tunggu sekian lame ;) tadaaaa..
sebenarnye dia hint2 nak electric guitar yg agak cool (sumpah cool gilaa) tapi mmg TAK la kan aku nak beli. lol. menyesal pon ada ajak die beli pick utk guitar aku (aku pon sengal mcm tade waktu lain nak ajak pegi beli).. HAHAHA mintak mahap ye afiq ;)
so dapat bagi ni je. hope dia happy la lol. (kne la bagi hadiah supaya senang nak pow SLR baru) AHAHHA. *mati gua kalau dia bace* =P tapi takpe afiq memahami huahuahua
anyways, thanks to kina ;)
lagi satu aku da dapat jugak poem collection from mimi morticia
sume2 dalam ni sangat cool :) thanks!!
sebenarnye dia hint2 nak electric guitar yg agak cool (sumpah cool gilaa) tapi mmg TAK la kan aku nak beli. lol. menyesal pon ada ajak die beli pick utk guitar aku (aku pon sengal mcm tade waktu lain nak ajak pegi beli).. HAHAHA mintak mahap ye afiq ;)
so dapat bagi ni je. hope dia happy la lol. (kne la bagi hadiah supaya senang nak pow SLR baru) AHAHHA. *mati gua kalau dia bace* =P tapi takpe afiq memahami huahuahua
anyways, thanks to kina ;)
lagi satu aku da dapat jugak poem collection from mimi morticia
sume2 dalam ni sangat cool :) thanks!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Have you ever thought how it would be like to live in a bunker or an underground tunnel? Well, today we bring you the upgraded version of that, which is an all-equipped underground home. Situated in the Swiss village of Vals, deep in the mountains, the house is very hard to spot, which makes for a perfect gateway. The unusual architecture plan comes from SeARCH and Christian Muller Architects, and includes all the facilities a common house has, such as a guest room, an entertainment area, but also “specialized” interiors like an underground pathway. The entrance is a wide oval opening that you are driven to by some traditional stairs made in stone. Large windows make it noticeable and draw attention to the inside décors- that is when the people living there are up for some company. – via Trendir
Monday, December 14, 2009
kenapa aku benci kau?
1. kau suka tinggalkan aku saat-saat aku perlu kan kau. especially bila aku PMS.
2. kau suka tanak respon kalau aku cerita pasal lelaki kacak dalam movie-movie inggeris yang kita tonton sama-sama.
3. kau suka ketawa dengan muka yang sangat annoying bila aku berkata sesuatu yg serious dengan muka yang memang serious.
4. kau suka mara bila aku membazir. tapi aku suka shopping :(
5. kau selalu membebel kalau aku degil atau buat salah.
6. kau duduk jauh dan kau payah nak datang jumpa aku kat melaka.
7. kau sangat irritating bila kau mara atau kau emo.
8. kau suka tanak makan bila aku beli macam-macam makanan. alasan: nak buat rasa je. tapi aku dah beli mcm nak mentekedarah. end up aku makan sorang dan aku gemok sorang-sorang.
9. kau suka miscall/call pagi-pagi dan kacau org tidur. memekak tahu?
10. macam-macam kau dah buat dan kau buat aku sentiasa nak ingat kau.
a day in ccu.
today i was posted in ccu (cardiac care unit). first time datang sini. depressing and really quiet. i can only hear the sound of the machines. (apparently hosp melaka ada 1 mesin ventilator yg bising gila mcm generator kat pasar malam :P)
i washed my hands as usual. normal procedure. just that u need to be more hygienic so that u wont introduce infections to the 'dying' patient.
me and 2 of my colleagues waited for almost half and hour until the MO in charge came. we cant do nothing much there since the patient (most of them) are unconscious. and very weak. the MO, Dr Patricia, started her ward round. she also asked us to interpret the ECG reading. and showed us CT scan of the patient.
patient had history of major heart attack and was given streptokinase. unfortunately, patient develop intracranial bleeding. 10 minutes after that, anak lelaki patient tu datang. he asked the MO about the current condition of his mom. doktor tu pon terangkan pada dia. and doktor tu cakap there's nothing we can do since the patient was so sick. if jantung patient stop again, dia tak advise for CPR since it might worsen the patient's condition.
i was listening to whatever the doctor explained to the patient's son. and soon after that, patient tried to open her eyes. his son went to the bedside of the patient. he tried to talk to the patient. the tears started dropping. seems like it'll be the last goodbye.
i almost cried. yes i know i shudnt cry. i even wonder how to be tough working in this kind of place. u tend to get emotionally involved with the patient, patient's family and all. the son asked the doctor if he can brings others to say goodbye too, the doctor agreed, but must me 2 people in one time.
i started to recall the story of my grandma. whom died because of ICB. my auntie once told me, how she tried to tell my late grandma that everyone one in the family accepted the faith. and whatever may happened, they were all letting my grandma go peacefully. the situation might be the same with what had happened today.
i started to wonder, how my working days will be like. might be stressful and full of tears. about dying people and what's the best way to save them. even hear the sound of ambulance made me scared.
oh ALLAH. kuatkan lah hati ni. help me through my journey please.. ;(
i washed my hands as usual. normal procedure. just that u need to be more hygienic so that u wont introduce infections to the 'dying' patient.
me and 2 of my colleagues waited for almost half and hour until the MO in charge came. we cant do nothing much there since the patient (most of them) are unconscious. and very weak. the MO, Dr Patricia, started her ward round. she also asked us to interpret the ECG reading. and showed us CT scan of the patient.
patient had history of major heart attack and was given streptokinase. unfortunately, patient develop intracranial bleeding. 10 minutes after that, anak lelaki patient tu datang. he asked the MO about the current condition of his mom. doktor tu pon terangkan pada dia. and doktor tu cakap there's nothing we can do since the patient was so sick. if jantung patient stop again, dia tak advise for CPR since it might worsen the patient's condition.
i was listening to whatever the doctor explained to the patient's son. and soon after that, patient tried to open her eyes. his son went to the bedside of the patient. he tried to talk to the patient. the tears started dropping. seems like it'll be the last goodbye.
i almost cried. yes i know i shudnt cry. i even wonder how to be tough working in this kind of place. u tend to get emotionally involved with the patient, patient's family and all. the son asked the doctor if he can brings others to say goodbye too, the doctor agreed, but must me 2 people in one time.
i started to recall the story of my grandma. whom died because of ICB. my auntie once told me, how she tried to tell my late grandma that everyone one in the family accepted the faith. and whatever may happened, they were all letting my grandma go peacefully. the situation might be the same with what had happened today.
i started to wonder, how my working days will be like. might be stressful and full of tears. about dying people and what's the best way to save them. even hear the sound of ambulance made me scared.
oh ALLAH. kuatkan lah hati ni. help me through my journey please.. ;(
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
dua dunia.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
bila kawan-kawan buat perangai.
ape korang buat?
delete dari friendlist?
menyumpah seranah?
hai. nape la kawan mesti mau jatuhkan maruah kawan.
ingat lu je ada hati ke?
ape korang buat?
delete dari friendlist?
menyumpah seranah?
hai. nape la kawan mesti mau jatuhkan maruah kawan.
ingat lu je ada hati ke?
Saturday, December 5, 2009
english vs indonesian.
setiap kali aku dengar lagu english. aku dgr 2-3 mins, then aku tutup.
ceritanya macam ni.
on the way to melaka from hosp. muar. kami semua tumpang kereta En. R.
A: ko ni kan R, asik dengar lagu indon je. aku da rasa macam kat indon dah.
R: abis tu, ko sllu dengar lagu omputih, ko rasa macam ko da kat london la?
*dah terubah sikit-sikit kot ayat tu. my bad. gua ada short term memory lost*
budak-budak lain dalam kereta semua ketawa. termasuk la aku. HAHA.
padan muka A terkena.
tapi aku tak plak rasa macam duduk kat london setiap kali dgr lagu omputih. lol.
anyway. kesian.
org punya taste, suka hati la. btol tak? baru 1malaysia.
Friday, December 4, 2009
cerita basi.
gua asyik cerita pasal cerita-cerita basi sbb sejak akhir2 ni mmg super busy. SUPER. busy to the max. lol. and ku perlukan waktu tidur 10 jam yg solid kerana kanak-kanak seperti gua mmg perlukan rehat yg ckup. tapi malangnye dapat tdo pon tak bape nak lena. pagi-pagi dah di haruk ke muar. uhuk2.
mintak mahap la kawan-kawan (even aku tau takde sape yg baca -___-) sejak kena pegi muar hari-hari ni. & tgh bulan 1 aku bakal lagi terseksa pegi muar berbulan2. menyebabkan otak aku macam kurang waras sket. penat. ye. mmg. amat sgt.
kenapa penat? naik bus tidor je kot??
oh ye. utk manusia-manusia pemalas macam aku ni mmg rasa letih sgt. pagi gerak pukul 7. petang pukul 6 baru sampai melaka semula. kalau hari2 aku drive pegi muar, confirm pas 2-3 bulan da kena service kereta tua aku tu. lol.
dalam kepenatan mengadap file dan tulisan doktor yg ntah apa-apa, berdiri berjam-jam dengar lecturer cerita pasal arnab dan kura-kura serta nuclear reaction nya (yg takde kaitan lansung pon dgn topik aritu), senang cerita kepenatan mental yg lebih nya, mula la otak aku pikir ntah apa-apa. mau buat ntah apa-apa. cth:
1) pegi bungee jumping. setiap kali tgh serabut la akan rasa nak pegi bungee jumping. kat mesia ni tade tmpt kot. satu-satunya wish yg mmg takkan tertunai. sbb? aku takut dok kat tmpt tinggi lol
2) berenang di lautan pasific.
3) shopping sampai koma. (atau bankrup)
tapi yang aku dapat:
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
too much facebook games can cause massive brain damage. so stop facebook-ing. for u own sake.
propaganda dari gua. sbb gua byk sgt buang masa main game. wawa!
propaganda dari gua. sbb gua byk sgt buang masa main game. wawa!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
onitsuka tiger.
for those who are interested in buying onitsuka tiger shoes please refer to this:
fit to size:
Mexico 66
Ultimate 81
Ultimate 81 LE
Ultimate Tiger
Tai Chi
Injector (runs small in width)
Saiko Runner MT
California 78
Fencing LA
Target Archery
Rotation 77 womens HL8A8
run large:
Fabre BL-L HL317 (also is wider then M) runs a half size large but only from US mens size 10 and up; from US mens 9.5 and below fits to size
run small:
Tug of War (runs a half a size smaller: 10=9.5)
Rotation 77 unisex (runs a half a size smaller: 10=9.5)
Wrestling 81 (runs full size smaller: 10=9)
Wizzer (runs full size smaller: 10=9)
Please note that some releases of those models mentioned above could fit differently. Always read description before you buy.
To make sure that you are purchasing right size you should always know your size in CM (centimeters) and EU. If CM or EU is different then your usual size this might mean that you need another US size.
Asics Onitsuka Tiger Shoes Sizing Conversion Chart
MENS US size 4; WOMENS US size 5.5; CM 22.5; EURO 36
MENS US size 4.5; WOMENS US size 6; CM 23; EURO 37
|MENS US size 5; WOMENS US size 6.5; CM 23.5; EURO 37.5
MENS US size 5.5; WOMENS US size 7; CM 24; EURO 38
MENS US size 6; WOMENS US size 7.5; CM 24.5; EURO 39
MENS US size 6.5; WOMENS US size 8; CM 25; EURO 39.5
MENS US size 7; WOMENS US size 8.5; CM 25.5; EURO 40
MENS US size 7.5; WOMENS US size 9; EURO 40.5
MENS US size 8; WOMENS US size 9.5; CM 26; EURO 41.5
MENS US size 8.5; WOMENS US size 10; CM 26.5; EURO 42
MENS US 9; US WOMEN'S 10.5; CM 27; EURO 42.5
MENS US size 9.5; WOMENS US size 11; CM 27.5; EURO 43.5
MENS US size 10; WOMENS US size 11.5; CM 28 EURO 44
MENS US size 10.5; WOMENS US size 12; EURO 44.5
MENS US size 11; WOMENS US size 12.5; CM 28.5; EURO 45
MENS US size 11.5; WOMENS US size 13; CM 29; EURO 46
MENS US size 12; WOMENS US size 13.5; CM 29.5; EURO 46.5
MENS US size 13; WOMENS US size 14.5; CM 30.5; EURO 48
MENS US size 14; WOMENS US size 15.5; CM 31; EURO 49
To convert inches to centimeters, multiply inches by 2.54MENS US size 4.5; WOMENS US size 6; CM 23; EURO 37
|MENS US size 5; WOMENS US size 6.5; CM 23.5; EURO 37.5
MENS US size 5.5; WOMENS US size 7; CM 24; EURO 38
MENS US size 6; WOMENS US size 7.5; CM 24.5; EURO 39
MENS US size 6.5; WOMENS US size 8; CM 25; EURO 39.5
MENS US size 7; WOMENS US size 8.5; CM 25.5; EURO 40
MENS US size 7.5; WOMENS US size 9; EURO 40.5
MENS US size 8; WOMENS US size 9.5; CM 26; EURO 41.5
MENS US size 8.5; WOMENS US size 10; CM 26.5; EURO 42
MENS US 9; US WOMEN'S 10.5; CM 27; EURO 42.5
MENS US size 9.5; WOMENS US size 11; CM 27.5; EURO 43.5
MENS US size 10; WOMENS US size 11.5; CM 28 EURO 44
MENS US size 10.5; WOMENS US size 12; EURO 44.5
MENS US size 11; WOMENS US size 12.5; CM 28.5; EURO 45
MENS US size 11.5; WOMENS US size 13; CM 29; EURO 46
MENS US size 12; WOMENS US size 13.5; CM 29.5; EURO 46.5
MENS US size 13; WOMENS US size 14.5; CM 30.5; EURO 48
MENS US size 14; WOMENS US size 15.5; CM 31; EURO 49
CM is Japanese shoe scale and doesn't apply to length of the outsole.
US men's size 7.5 (women's 9) and US men's size 10.5 are 'critical' in conversion to CM and Asics usually does not provide measurement for those two sizes in this scale. You can only assume that men's US size 7.5 has 25.75 CM and men's size 10.5 - 28.25 CM.
How to convert men's to women's shoe sizes?
Generally, converting men's to women's shoe sizes is an easy-to-remember rule of thumb. You should subtract approximately one-and-one-half sizes from your US women's size to find the appropriate shoe in US men's size. For example, if you wear a size 10 US in women's shoes, you would most likely need a size 8.5 US in men's shoes.
How to convert US men's to UK men's shoe sizes?
UK men's size is one point smaller. For example US men's size 11 is UK mens 10.
want this?
you can now buy online here!
may this guide help u ;)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
new moon.
i couldnt agree more, the book way better than the movie.
the 'it will be like i never existed' part was not as dramatic as in the book.
argh! i hate to watch most of the story had been cut, but still the plot was understandable. but the graphic was so-so. but yes, still enjoyable.
nevertheless, edward still as gorgeous as ever, and even jacob is so much better with short hair, of course =P
the movie was OK for me. ok means not great. not as great as the book, at least.
but anyway, see it for yourself. we may have different opinion ;)
the powerful cutie.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
oi sedeh, lu jangan buat hal boleh tak?
hoh. rasa nak maki aje internet yg superslow. kalau ada modem dpan mata mmg aku da baling sampai hancur. huahuahua.
jgn sedeh sangat bleh tak??
dlu gua sedut movie 15min je skrg jangan kata 15min, 15 jam pon blom tentu. paling panas, dah download file 98% tiba-tiba stuck mcm tu je?
tak hangin plak gua?
nak internet laju bleh, tapi tnggu la pkol 3-4 pagi je di mana time tu manusia sedang enak lari-lari kat kaki gunung (dalam mimpilaa). sah-sah la sejak dua menjak ni waktu tidor aku da ter-awal. kadang-kadang pukul 8 tdo. 6 pg baru bgn. haha. celah mana nye nak dload laju?
wawawa. gua sudah give up ngan lu. lu jgn sedeh sgt bleh tak ??
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
kaki wayang.
bila sebut pasal wayang, aku tatau la aku ni mmg movie freak or budak yg freak. haha. sebab aku rasa tabiat menengok wayang aku mmg critical kut.
movie pertama yang aku tgk. masa tu darjah 6. kut? haha
ever since that, tah la beribu kot movie yg aku tgk kat wayang. dah macam movie freak. sampai kakak kaunter tiket kat gsc pahlawan tu pon kenal gua! hahahah. ok lets go thru this;
5 facts about me & cinema:
1. i watched same movie again & again if i think that movie was awesome. (in cinema obviously)
movie pertama yang aku tgk. masa tu darjah 6. kut? haha
ever since that, tah la beribu kot movie yg aku tgk kat wayang. dah macam movie freak. sampai kakak kaunter tiket kat gsc pahlawan tu pon kenal gua! hahahah. ok lets go thru this;
5 facts about me & cinema:
1. i watched same movie again & again if i think that movie was awesome. (in cinema obviously)
watched 2 times
2. kalau movie itu bosan, aku akan tidur. ye. tidur. member panas ati je bila aku tgk sambil tgk movie =P
3. i don't mind go to cinema alone. ;)
4. i'll do whatever it takes to watch that movie. for example: kalau parking takde pon gua gigih jugak cari parking asalkan dapat tgk movie even da lewat 15 mins.
5. i can watched 2-3 movies continuously at the same day.
so now u tell me. cacat otak kah gua ini apabila tgk terlampau byk movie? *__*
3. i don't mind go to cinema alone. ;)
4. i'll do whatever it takes to watch that movie. for example: kalau parking takde pon gua gigih jugak cari parking asalkan dapat tgk movie even da lewat 15 mins.
5. i can watched 2-3 movies continuously at the same day.
so now u tell me. cacat otak kah gua ini apabila tgk terlampau byk movie? *__*
anyway, movie-freaks out there, lets go watch movie together!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
C Em
Aku mula jatuh hati kepadamu
Setelah kau kata cinta padaku
C Em
Masing-masing dulu punya pasangan
Akhirnya kita bersama
C Em
Pertama kali kita bersua bertentang mata
Terasa ada kimia di antara kita
C Em
Kau kucup pipiku,kau bisikkan cintamu,
Kau kata baby I love u,kau cairkan hatiku.
C Em
Bahagia ku rasa,
Disaat kita berdua bersama,
Memandang bulan terang,
Menyaksi bintang-bintang,
Kau seru aku lah pelangi cintamu
Aku mula jatuh hati kepadamu
Setelah kau kata cinta padaku
C Em
Masing-masing dulu punya pasangan
Akhirnya kita bersama
C Em
Pertama kali kita bersua bertentang mata
Terasa ada kimia di antara kita
C Em
Kau kucup pipiku,kau bisikkan cintamu,
Kau kata baby I love u,kau cairkan hatiku.
C Em
Bahagia ku rasa,
Disaat kita berdua bersama,
Memandang bulan terang,
Menyaksi bintang-bintang,
Kau seru aku lah pelangi cintamu
Friday, November 20, 2009
dont ask me why.
jangan tanya kenapa saya tak tulis/kurang tulis ape-ape.
saya letih tiap2 hari ulang alik muar-melaka. saya penat.
saya tidak sempat utk buat apa-apa yg menyeronokkan. saya tidur awal.
saya penat.
saya penat. :(
saya letih tiap2 hari ulang alik muar-melaka. saya penat.
saya tidak sempat utk buat apa-apa yg menyeronokkan. saya tidur awal.
saya penat.
saya penat. :(
thank you.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
cokie the clown.
Cokie the Clown is an EP by NOFX that will be released on November 24, 2009 through Fat Wreck Chords. The EP will be released as a single 5-song CD, and two separate 7″ vinyl records dubbed Cokie the Clown and My Orphan Year. The tracks on this release were written and recorded during the Coaster sessions.The song “Co-Dependence Day” was previously released on the Warped Tour 2009 Tour Compilation.
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